Friday, August 29, 2008

so for the past three years ii basically had to but my education goals on hold due to the fact that ii needed to put my sister through skool, && ii dont regret one second of it!! My networth almost doubled each year, my sister is going to be a college graduate in Dec. 08 && ii am so proud of her!! now its my turn!! ii am so ready to get skool out the way... ii think everyone has a path && this was mine... as ii sat back && though about all the shit ii had to go through in the past three years made me stronger... from heartbreak to birthdays, from car accidents to kickbacks with my friends, from startin my own business to hittin ground zero && startin all over! it was all worth it... ii couldn't say that three years ago ii knew wat ii wanted to do in life or wat ii wanted out of life... now i've been through enough to know some of the things ii dont want... but I'm just takin the first step of this new journey... my goals are to get in get done then move on... its time for a change!!

"fallin down aint fallin if you dont cry when you hit the floor" -A. Keys